Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Time to Get Political

Hey all. It's time for me to get political.
     I've been following the presidential race with great interest (even though I can't vote for another year and a half) because my American History class has spent a great deal of time on the American government--and especially the president.
     The President of the United States is charged to enforce and defend the laws of the United States, as set down by the Legislative and defined/applied by the Judicial. He is the Head of State, meaning he is the chief diplomat and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
     Now, let me begin by saying I am a proud, conservative Republican. I am pro-life, Christian, and Republican. (There goes another seventy-five percent of my readers.) Since I pay taxes and am a citizen, I take interest in my nation's politics. Especially those involving my freedoms, like my right to say what I feel and to excercise my religion as I feel led to.
     People always say "America is the greatest nation on earth." I don't believe that that's true any more. I believe we have the potential to be the greatest and to stay the greatest, but we have fallen when it comes to our morality. Just look around. Our society is floundering.

Now, do I believe either of our presidential candidates can turn it around? I missed the first debate, but have watched each since then. I entered undecided--leaning more towards Romney, since he's Republican. I lost interest in the race when Rick Santorum dropped out (I'd take a Catholic over a Mormon, seeing as Catholics are closer to Christianity than a cult like the Mormons), but the vice presidential debate between Vice President Joe Biden and Romney's running mate Paul Ryan piqued my interest. The major theme I noticed in the debate was how often Biden attacked Romney/Ryan and shifted blame on other people. I started thinking, Isn't he supposed to be talking about Obama's plan for the next four years? What about the economy? Attacking Paul Ryan isn't a way to get college kids a job. So, I watched the town hall debate. It clinched my decision, if I had a vote.
     Barack Obama, as the God-allowed Chief of State of our country, still deserves our respect and loyalty, but he has lost my trust and support. The way he has handled this election--not even counting how he has handled this country in the last four years--has lost me. Always putting the blame on someone else. Always attacking Romney, his fellow countryman, instead of laying forth a positive plan to save this country. Add to that how he has lied about and slandered Romney often, and how he has lied about his own actions and words, and I don't believe that Obama needs another four years. I think it's time someone else had a chance.
     Does this mean I'm Pro-Romney? In a sense. I disagree with his faith, and he hasn't sold me when it comes to his policies. I agree with his foreign policy, but his economic and domestic policies must be proven to my nation.

So, to recap. I believe Obama has had his chance. His actions didn't cut it, so it's Romney's turn. But Romney has to prove himself.

There. Now, back to your daily lives of work, school, music, life, and love. Enjoy the blessing of the day God has given us!

- Garrett

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